Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Social Message Sent

SMS are a now a very simple way of communication. It's very easy to send a message from your phone to another but it enables people to write things instead of talking to someone. It's very interesting to see that a phone can be an oral media as a writting media. SMS is quick and it is easily availiable for consultation. A SMS is also practicle and we can use it everywhere and at any time. For the moment, SMS are still used for private conversation, indeed advertising hasn't yet interfered SMS conversation.
Nowadays, SMS becomes a new kind of social link. We see it in a lot of TV shows, programs such as "T'empêche tout le monde de dormir" or "Le Grand Journal" in France use SMS to interact whith the audience. They prefer SMS because it's easier for people and quicker. It's the only one use of SMS until now, we know that advertising will, a day or another, be on the mobile.
Moreover, SMS have a mercantil role, a lot of compagnies reach buyers through SMS especially young people.
To conclude, we can say that SMS is about to be a way of making money giving the impression of reactivity for the users.

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